Part One

The State and Sovereignty

Article one

(1) The United Republic of Cameroon shall, with effect from the date of entry into force of this law, be known as Republic of Cameroon (Law No 84-1 of 4 February 1984).

(2) The Republic of Cameroon shall be a decentralized unitary State.

It shall be one and indivisible, secular, democratic and dedicated to social service.

It shall recognize and protect traditional values that conform to democratic principles, human rights and the law.

It shall ensure the equality of all citizens before the law.

(3) The official languages of the, Republic of Cameroon shall be English and French, both languages having the same status. The State shall guarantee the promotion of bilingualism throughout the country. It shall endeavour to protect and promote national languages.

(4) Its motto shall be “Peace-Work-Fatherland”.

(5) Its flag shall be three equal vertical stripes of green, red and yellow charged with one gold star in the centre of the red stripe.

(6) Its national anthem shall be “O Cameroon, Cradle of our Forefathers”.

(7) The seal of the Republic of Cameroon shall be a circular medallion in bas-relief, 46

millimetres in diameter, bearing on the obverse and in the centre the head of girl in profile turned to the dexter towards a coffee branch with two leaves and flanked on the sinister by five cocoa pods, with the French words “Republique du Cameroun” inscribed below the upper edge and the national motto “Paix-Travail-Patrie” inscribed above the lower edge; on the reverse and in the centre the coat of arms of the Republic of Cameroon, with the

English words “Republic of Cameroon” inscribed beneath the upper edge and the national motto “Peace-Work-Fatherland” inscribed above the lower edge.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Cameroon shall be an escutcheon surmounted chief by the legend “Republic of Cameroon” and supported by two crossed fasces with the motto “Peace-Work-Fatherland” base.

The escutcheon shall be composed of a star on a field vent and triangle gules, charged with the geographical outline of Cameroon azure, and surcharged with the sword and scales of justice sable.

(8) The Capital of the Republic of Cameroon shall be Yaounde.

Article 2

(1) National sovereignty shall be vested in the people of Cameroon w ho shall exercise same either through the President of the Republic and Members of Parliament or by way of referendum. No section of the people or any individual shall arrogate to itself or to himself the exercise thereof.

(2) The authorities responsible for the management of the State shall derive their powers from the people through election by direct or indirect universal suffrage, unless otherwise provided for in this Constitution.

(3) The vote shall be equal and secret, and every citizen aged twenty years and above shall be entitled to vote

Article 3

Political parties and groups shall help the electorate in the making of voting decisions. They shall be bound to respect the principles of democracy, national sovereignty and unity. They shall be formed and shall exercise their, activities in accordance with the law.

Article 4

State power shall be exercised by:

- The President of the Republic;

- Parliament.