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Politique of Friday, 27 September 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Fru NDI Convinces Voters Across North West

The SDF party chairman has been preaching justice in major towns of the region.

Concluding days of campaigns towards the September 30 twin elections have taken the SDF National Chairman, Ni John Fru Ndi across the North West region with a message of change in efforts to reconquer councils and parliamentary seats lost in 2007.

After criss-crossing the nation since September 14, 2013, Fru Ndi started the last chapter of campaigns in Tubah Sub-division on September 25. The lap is expected to take the chairman across some 21 towns and villages of the North West. Party chairman Fru Nid is expected to drop curtains on campaigns during a grand rally at the Bamenda municipal station on September 29th after travelling to Benakuma, Wum, Weh, Fonfuka, Nkum, Misaje, Nkambe, Ndu, Bafmen, Fundong, Belo, Mbengwi, Bali, Pinyin etc.

The Chairman is on the field with a message of hope, summed up in the need for transparency and accountability, respect for the rule of law, good electoral process, equity and justice. Ahead of the twin elections; the opposition SDF is poised to improve on their number of councils and parliamentary seats.

The North West features 20 parliamentary seats and 34 councils with the SDF currently controlling 16 councils and 11 parliamentary seats.