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Politique of Friday, 27 September 2013

Source: Cameroon Tribune

NMPC With Less Pivileged in Ndop

Parliamentary candidate has pledged to involve the minorities in his plan of action if voted in to Parliament.

The National Movement for Progress in Cameroon -NMPC in Ngoketunjia has joined the campaign train for the upcoming twin elections. Ever since campaigns were launched last September 15 the party's parliamentary candidates For Ngoketunjia North, Zachary Umaru was still strategising to make his first move. His first outing over the weekend kick started his campaigns to woo voters to his side.

After visiting Babungo, Bambalang, Babessi amongst others. Monday 23 saw the parliamentary aspirant for the NMPC Zachary Umaru in Ndop central calling on the population to vote for him as he is the best candidate they need for their development. He said if voted in to parliament he will include the underprivileged like the Mbororos, handicapped and other physically challenged as well as women and children in his plan of action.

He said that this group of persons will be his focus. He equally promised to provide social amenities like class rooms, drinkable water, open up roads just to name a few. He equally called on the women to cast their votes in his favour as he will ensure that women's problems are looked into when he gets into parliament.

He said the National Chairman of the NMC party Mahamadou Abdulaye is equally out for peace and justice as such it is high time the population of Ngoketunjia North vote for peace and justice. He said after these public outings, he will now embark on a door to door campaign to entice voters to his side.