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Politique of Monday, 6 June 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Y’de Economic Conference: Senators promise support for Biya

While opening the Second Ordinary Session recently, Senate President, Niat Njifenji saw the follow-up of recommendations of the confab as a must.

Dust is yet to settle on the aftermath of the Yaounde International Economic Conference which held from 17 to 18 May, 2016 at the Conference Centre where the Second Ordinary Session of the Senate opened on June 2, 2016.

It is therefore understandable why Senators felt concerned about giving all their support to ensure the implementation of the confab’s resolutions.

While addressing congratulations to the Head of State, Paul Biya, for taking such an initiative, Senate President Marcel Niat Njifenji, indicated that the theme, “Investing in Cameroon, Land of Attractiveness”, translated the determination of the President to seek ways and means of stimulating investments and attracting new partners.

This, he added, is with a view to eventually integrate the economy within the global scene in the most judicious and beneficial manner.

More so, Marcel Niat Njifenji acknowledged that the confab did edify Senators on the weaknesses and strengths of the national economy. “We are better equipped to fine-tune our growth and employment strategy by particularly allowing the private sector to fully play its role in this regard,” he declared.

It is therefore expected that through various aspects of parliamentary business in this session such as scrutiny of bills and questions to government, Senators will lay emphasis on ensuring the implementation of the relevant recommendations of the conference “which now enable our country to look into the future with optimism while trusting in the results of our partnerships created with national project owners and investors present at the conference.”