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Opinions of Monday, 27 April 2015

Auteur: Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Don’t divorce your purpose to marry your fear

God is always speaking to us but, the question is... How many of us are listening to the voice of God?

As I walked to drop the children to school this morning, I heard this statement in my statement. “Don't divorce your purpose in life to marry its friend (fear)” Wow... this actual made me to think twice about my purpose in life.

Many at times in life, we abandon or divorce our purposes in the face of fear of others feelings and reactions towards us. We live our purpose behind to marry or carry other people's purpose for their life. If cheating is not permitted in any relationship so to say, why do we cheat on our purpose with other's purpose? There is a purpose on each and every one of us and it is about time, we step into that purpose in order to fulfil it. Supporting others to achieve their purpose does not permit you to divorce your purpose in life.

Many at times, we are faced with the challenges of choosing between our purpose and that of those we see as leaders, hence, we give up on our God's given purpose for our lives to pursue theirs. Until you discover the main reason why, you have been put on this planet or earth to do, you will always be moving through life without fulfilling your purpose.

Living a purposeful life demands that, you remain focus and determined to live the life, given to you by God, so as to do something wonderful with your life. Relationship must be based on a purpose and any relationship that prevents or stops you from pursuing your purpose in life is not good for you. Not everyone is fit for business so therefore, you must be careful with the people you allow into your life in the pursuit of the purpose on your life. I have personally, discovered that, I have within me some enormous and untapped treasures and resources of talent and ability that world are waiting to celebrate and until I work hard to chisel it as a gold, from the mine, it will not be appreciated or even celebrated.

What have you been put on this earth to do? Ask yourself this question so as to discover it before it is too late for you.

As Dr. Myles Munroe once said “Empty yourself before you die and you must rob the grave yard of your potentials"

I dare you to die empty and never be buried with your ideas, books, articles, music, etc, because of the reactions and opinions of others around you. You are different and will always remain different. I will encourage you to be honest with yourself to live your purpose. Never allow the slaying of men to trap you to sell yourself beneath your ability to excel.

You were born for greatness and until you step out of the comfort zones of your critics, you can never see that greatness on your life. Remember that, your purpose is what makes you difference from others. Many are crying today not because their marriage partners have left them but, because, they have lost or divorced their purpose to marry their fears.

What are you living your life for in life? Marital divorce is not as painful as divorcing your purpose in life-Ferdinard S Lawson

Whatever you do in life, place no amount of challenges to push you out of your purpose. Live for your purpose and it will honour you.

Here are some few power ways you can live to stay married to your purpose for life.

1. Dare to have a dream and be ready to be criticised for it.

2. Set a goal and live by it. Time is the greatest commodity you never want to waste. 3. Begin to write and publish your dream. Paste them before your eyes. Never lose sight of your dream.

4. Organise your life and be ready to overcome the hurdles that have the potential to prevent you from achieving your purpose.

5. Not everyone is good for business. Associations are very crucial for the manifestation of your purpose. Decide who your friends are. Not everyone one around your purpose is designed to understand your purpose. So be very careful of those your share your purpose with.

6. Get the right materials needed for the advancement of your dream- purpose. Information reform but a lack of it deforms. Get the right information for your life. Books and tapes...

7. Appreciate and value yourself. You are unique and nobody under the sun will ever he like you. When you learn to appreciate yourself, you develop and bring the best out of you. Love yourself so as to love others by pursuing your purpose.

8. Discover your source of strength. God should be your source of strength. You must know that, without God, you can never have a purpose for your life.

9. Read the Word daily. God's word should be your daily bread. Never do anything without checking with the word. Men's words are not powerful than God's word. Go for the word.

10. Remain humble. Humility is the spring board into greatness. Your purpose will require you to remain humble so as to be a great achiever. Have faith in God and remain humble. In all your pursuit, pursue humility and never be haste in your approach to life.

Live your purpose to create your own success in life. Nothing is worst in life than divorcing your purpose to marry to other people's purpose. Make that decision to live for your purpose regardless of the challenges in life. Keep working on that purpose until you achieve it completely.

Step up and keep up. You are born to succeed not to fail in life. The world is waiting to celebrate you as you work to develop your purpose. Keep moving with that purpose. Unless you become significant in life by achieving your purpose, you will be relegated and sideline by men.

YOUR PURPOSE .......... YOUR CHOICE. Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Beffta Awards winning author (2013) of many inspirational and motivational books. African Heritage Award best Author Nominee 2014, Beffta Award Best author Nominee, 2014. He is a Life coach, mentor, publication consultant, Columnist, radio host, the C.E.O and the founder of Ferdinard Lawson publication consultancy. Ferdinard Lawson Inspiration & Empowerment Agency (FLiEA) in UK, and a faculty member of the African Professional Speakers' Academy (APSA).