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Sports Features of Friday, 29 August 2014

Source: cameroon-info.net

How Samuel Eto’o’s “big-mouth” has plunged him into ridicule

Who would have imagined that the ‘almighty’ Samuel Eto’o will quit the national football team or better still, the Indomitable Lions through the back door? This is exactly what has happened thanks in part, to the strikers ‘loudmouth’ that now apparently made him a subject of ridicule.

After being chased from the national team and fired as Lions’ captain by Sports and Physical Education Adoum Garoua last week, Samuel Eto’o took to his social media Facebook page late Wednesday to announce his retirement from international football.

He wrote: “I wish to inform you that I hereby put a definitive end to my international career. On this occasion, I wish to thank all Africans in particular and all my fans around the world for their love and unconditional support.”

This is the same Eto’o Fils who boastfully said in May that: “Contrary to what a puppet (Chelsea manager, Jose Morinhno) says about my age, I am still physically fit. At 33, I feel real good. I have proven that I could do better than youths. I will continue (to play) at the top level. I will continue to play the Champions League.”

“My romance with this competition (Champions League) is far from over. I will not tell you where, but I will be at the top level. I am 33 and I have two World Cups to play. Before me there are other players who went on until the age of 41. So I can continue.” He added.

Two things stand clear from the above; Eto’o will not play the next two World Cups – not even that of 2018 given that he’s decided to “put a definitive end” to his international career. Secondly his so-called romance with the Champions League is literally over owing to the fact that his new found club of Everton will not play the 2014/2015 Champions League.

Many are even still wondering why a football legend like Eto’o did not “put a definitive end” to his international career immediately after the Brazil debacle rather than wait to do so after being chased away from the national squad.

Midfielder Jean II Makoun chose the Pan African magazine Jeune Afrique to announce his retirement while Jean-Armel Kana-Biyik in June preferred 20minutes.fr but ‘almighty’ Eto’o chose Facebook to make such an important announcement.