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Sports Features of Sunday, 4 October 2015

Source: Hilltopvoices

Where did the prayers of Mbengwi people for Atah Robert go to?

Ahead of elections of the President of the Cameroon Football Federation FECAFOOT that held last Monday September 28, 2015 in Yaounde lots of things happened with the candidates, organisers, delegates and even the communities.

In mbengwi hometown of Atah Robert B. One of the two candidates for the elections, It was a prayer session that held to pray for his victory. According to our sources in Mbengwi, members of a Christian assembly or Church whose name we are withholding organised special prayers with some councilors in attendance. During the prayers the candidate in question is reported to have been connected on phone to follow the prayers which according to our source he did live.

The prayers which lasted for quite some time practically went in vain following what ended up being a plebiscite for Atah's opponent who literally swept away the votes. Following the results the Momo son was beaten by Tombi Aroko Sidiki 59 to two votes. While many have been quick to say the elections were prearranged, many still find time to question if Atah Robert voted for himself.

Before qualifying for the elections, an aspirant had to constitute a list of at least 17people which Atah Robert did. On his list plus himself there were 18 delegates. Were the people in this list chosen out of the wish or how come that Atah Robert will line up 17 people behind him with no objection and end up with two votes? Since no one can say for sure who voted for or against Atah, anyone who argues that Atah Robert National Technical Director for football did not vote for himself may not be ignored.

Talking to a football observer in Bamenda she questioned why "did they fix the election thing foolishly? Even if all the 17 voted for Atah Robert, Tombi will still win." According to her the elections were arranged so that it will be that elections took place after all.

Talking to the Guardian Post on phone from mbengwi, one of the prayer organisers in anger told us that he felt bad after the election "because we prayed for brother Atah knowing that he too was working but it seems he was not."

"This thing was long known" Another football observer told The Guardian Post on the Bamenda Commercial avenue. According to him it was abnormal for the two delegates from the Northwest to appear on both list if there was no arrangement.

Quizzed on what could have happened to the prayers of Mbengwi people in this case evangelist Tatah Johnson said "it is difficult to pray for someone who has made a choice and for man made issues. We cannot also underestimate God's power but the person must be be undecided or ready in faith to give room for God's miracle."