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Opinions of Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Auteur: Paa-quecy Adu

A unionized mind on an AU Day

The Africa we see today is partly a product of what our forebears did and partly what they fail to do with the opportunities available to them.If we want to see a better Africa tomorrow then let us from today with a unionized mind work in synergy to practically make Africa united.

It took Dr Kwame Nkrumah and other founding fathers of the OAU, now AU, to take the bold initiative to have this continental body before other compatriots joined in that noble cause.

Many a people believe that the zeal and motivation for which these founding fathers of the AU wanted Africa to develop economically and more politically died with them.

What is seen now is a far cry from that burning flame of African liberation that they lighted and the European Union which was an afterthought of Western Europe, is rather, sadly, enjoying the fruits of a continental union.

The standards in Africa in terms of strong economic and political cooperation among countries haven’t been anything worth celebrating. The AU of now is a pale shadow of the OAU of old. But l believes strongly that the dream of true continental unity with its true benefits to the people of Africa will happen sooner than later such that the unity shall move from its embryonic stage through a formative stage to a youthful stage to receive the necessary accolades from the length and breadth of Africa and the world at large.

The same situation finds expression in our lives as students and the youth of this dear nation, Ghana.

What is it that you have started well but cannot complete well?

If we can boast of political independence today, then we equally need an unconditional emancipation of our continent's educational systems and our economies as well.

To the leaders of Africa, I say rise above all forms of acrimony and the pursuit of personal interest and instead pursue nationalistic oriented goals in all parts of the economy.

To my colleagues youth and students of Africa especially Ghana, I say let us remember that Africa needs new names and new faces to champion development of the continent and you and I are these new persons Africa needs. In fostering unity during the struggle for the civil rights of the blacks in America, Dr. Martin Luther Jnr made the following statement to the black race “we need to stick together because solidarity is the key to bringing about a real change.” In consonance with that, I wish to state that, we the youth and students of Ghana and therefore Africa we need to fight a common purpose; we need one voice to really be heard irrespective of our political affiliations. Let us not pursue our personal aggrandizement because, comrade, for all you know the whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the solid foundation of the well-meaning students union until the bright day of total unity emerges. Let us be united although we may as a necessity disagree sometimes on certain issues, bearing in mind that when necessity necessitates, abnormalities occur

Let us not allow any person or group of persons divide us.

Let Us arise and build Africa as a true united continent.

A little more push; a little more sacrifice; a little more commitment; a little more determination; and a little more patience will get that heart desire and dream of ours as Africans both in Africa and in the diaspora achieved.

To you an African and to Africa at large I say, Hold on; do not give up yet. The victory is near.

Africa Unity, bedrock for continental development. Oh yes, Africa shall get there with YOU involved and with a UNIONIZED MIND.

Keep the Africa Union Vision Alive. Thank you. Paa-Quecy Adu ( P.K) paaquecyadu@yahoo.com