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Sports Features of Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Source: betatinz.com

2016 AFCON: the theme song is a misrepresentation of Cameroonian music

Except you have not been listening to the news lately, then you should know by now that Cameroon is hosting the African women's Cup of African Nations from the 19th November-3rd December. In that light, a theme song was generated by Charlotte Dipanda and Richard Kings.

The song is a total misrepresentation of Cameroonian music! The rationale for choosing the two artistes in question, Charlotte Dipanda and Richard Kings is still not clear to me.

CRTV announced that one of them is meant to represent the English speaking part of Cameroon and the other, the French speaking part.

Which makes sense, but in all Cameroonian acts who have made the country to dance this year, should Richard Kings be the artiste to represent the English speaking part of Cameroon? Which hit song did he release this year?

I am in no way trying to discredit the artistes, they have given us good music over the years and they are professionals. My issue is with the song and the committee that approved it as the theme song for this year female AFCON.

The theme song which is titled 'hommage au footballeuse' is very slow paced. One will think they are singing for female footballers who have lost their lives on a football field, or for the Cameroonian children who are orphaned by the Boko Haram crisis in the North. Meanwhile the song is supposed to be a celebration of women in football.
What a shame! Meanwhile Cameroon, has a fine breed of artistes who have produced catalogs of good music that have made people worldwide to dance. How does a celebration song get to sound like a funeral song, and then get approved by the country as a theme song for a BIG event like the African Cup of Nations...How?

then to make matters worse, the video was shot in the South west but it is going to be edited in France as if we don't have award winning video editors and cinematographers here...MTCHEWWW.

Many Cameroonians were disappointed by the music, nobody is even talking about it. Music of that caliber is supposed to be contagious, generate emotions in the fans and listeners, but this one...

Well, I just wrote out my opinion of the situation, any other person who has an opinion should feel free to vent it out via any outlet he or she can use to do so!

Scroll down and listen to the song...