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Culture of Monday, 21 March 2016

Source: kinnakasblog.com

Sahndra F.Dufe set to feature on The Miss P Show

Sahndra F Dufe and Pamela Happi Sahndra F Dufe and Pamela Happi

USA-based Cameroonian actress and author Sahndra Fon Dufe travelled to Cameroon for her book tour and Yefonbook launch which took place in Yaounde on March 17, 2016. While in Yaounde the 26-year-old used the opportunity to link up with the brains behind "The Miss P Show", Pamela Happi.

The pair had a sit down in which Miss P picked Sahndra's brain about her book, dealing with stress, her vision and of course her sex life!

The interview is part of the 9th episode of The Miss P Show that will be aired on April 1, 2016 at 8.30pm on STV and HiTV then on CNTV and Equinoxe at 10.30pm.