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Movies of Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Source: kamerlinksite.wordpress.com

Ndolo and the Senator; A major breakthrough in the movie industry

Ndolo and the SenatorNdolo and the Senator

For a long time now Cameroonians have been wondering and asking questions as to what the future holds for their movie industry.

After witnessing major successes in other movie industries like Nollywood, Hollywood etc, Cameroonians have not stopped praying for a major breakthrough in their own movie industry.

Finally, ‘prayers answered’. Here comes a movie, ‘Ndolo and the senator’ produced by a talented USA based Cameroonian actress Adambi Mbango. ‘Ndolo and the Senator’ is here to entertain and at the same time educate, and will be premiered in all the major cities in Cameroon, so stay tuned for updates.

From the story line right down to the production, everything is just ‘wow’ so get ready for this will be mind blowing.

Ndolo and the Senator is a film that was told with the aim of holding a mirror to everyone’s face, meaning the government as well as the people. Yes, the people blame the government but really who is the government?

“The government is just a reflection of the people” The aim of the film is just to let every single citizen know that the change that they seek so bad will come when they all take accountability, responsibility and be proactive. Change is not necessarily made by the rich and those who live in affluence, reasons why Ndolo, a simple, lower class citizen is the character that represents the change that can be made.

Ndolo and the Senator is not just about good governance and citizenship, it’s also a story of love, questionable love and how love can make one’s moralistic principles go away in a heartbeat. So get ready to enjoy a story of Politics, love, envy and betrayal, brought to you by a team of talented and experienced professionals. Watch the trailer below.