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Culture of Thursday, 22 October 2015

Source: kinnaka.blogspot.com

Kelly B and Model trigger massive Facebook rant (Photo)

Kelly Blaise Kelly Blaise

Cameroonian photographer, Kelly Blaise, popularly called Kelly B, took to Facebook to share his recent work/picture with a model who goes by the Facebook name Akere Nerisa.

These pictures have triggered a massive rant on Facebook. Most Cameroonians are of the opinion that the model was photographed from an unflattering angle and others think the whole quality is beneath the photographer or what should be "tagged" as modeling.

See some comments about the photo below and click Photos to see the pictures.

"Kelly Blaise stop doing this to our girls. For climb fence now na modelling?. Anyhow, da one no bi my business. My business is the fashion, da trouser na from yeezus collection or ha? From a self proclaimed camer fashion police's opinion, Modeling is all about selling a product, not just the act of taking a picture and I really don't see any art of selling in this picture. DISCLAIMER: I admire and appreciate what you are doing in Cameroon, creating, awaking and elevating a dormant and dead industry but please keep it professional in order to gain solid credibility. I love most of your work and pics but this one is just a big NO!! And before wona start talk, this is not about the model. It's the presentation as a whole is just WRONG. Ok wona bye. ?#?My2CentsofConstructiveCriticism," said Mike Metuge Alison.

"Weti Kelly Blaisedo this trip so??? I actually love his works but this one is very unflattering. The model is clearly very beautiful and wanna work but the whole pose and concept behind looks like a joke to me. NO!!!! Lemme not run ma mouth here maybe that barbed wire climbing na sum new concept and I will gladly like to learn from it but it's a NO from me (in my Simon Cowell voice) ?#?WunaBye?," said Ebangha Yvonne (Kreef Ent.)

"I no be want talk but wuna don force my mop. modeling and photography na art, no be science weh e get mehod and logic. No be all man must understand the picture. E no get for make sense for all man. And yes the model e bele no do nothing, make we no force people dem inside our own ideas dem of "sense", "perfection" and "logic". Na why this weh Cameroon no go grow, over sabi dem plenty pass," said Mimi Buo.

"She needs to push in her belly n work on her angles. This shot did her no justice, buh i saw anoda pic on a bicycle n she looked just fine, this one was taken from a bad angle.The comments tho y'll funny as hell," said Philomene Blanche.

"No intention to criticize coz I know little or nothing about modeling and photography. Just funny comments, no criticism. Bottom line, the pic is not bad it's funny, just like African spider woman lol. I can't stop laughing Thanks Kelly Blaise for the entertainment," Said Benjika Franck

"Chai, na only modelling so?" Said Nick Njua

"This may not be science but pls the fact that no one understands u doesn't make u an artist this pose na die....lol" said Visas Mabel Lahntum "Y'all chill sisters please. Not everything has to be perfect. Clearly this model is stunning as seen on the other pic. I personally just think the angle was not the best i dont usually coment on this but Akere Nerisa criticism is what is gonna make you a great model. So i think its not a bad thing to say what went wrong with this pic but rather it should get you motivated huney.?#?foretherecordyougorgeous?," said Lizzy Nambo.

"Good initiative but got to be criticised: Sister work out ur belly, also we see shes doing a lot of efforts to anchor on those wires...good initiative BUT can do better! Peace," said Njoka Lesucces Legalise.

"All of u dumb ass haterz y'all shut the fuck up u knw nuffin bout photography u cant teach a boss his game..." said Moreneta Knucash.