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Fashion/Mode of Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Source: dulcecamer.blogspot.com

Louise Assomo makes clothes for the modern self confident woman

Louise Assomo's eponymous Belgian based brand has been known for several years as a designer of ready to wear womenswear characterised by her feminine cuts and retro accents.

Due to a successful rebranding which is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the designer and a private investor, which has brought an added financial and logistical support to the brand, allowing the designer Louise Assomo to create collections which are even more in line with her passion, making use of the most sublime fabrics to realise her high end confection.

The refreshed brand will present itself as more luxurious without losing the essence of what makes it so unique and desirable. Louise Assomo’s new collection will continue to present a timeless chic, appealing to the modern woman who loves to dress elegantly and express her own individuality.

Much of Louise Assomo’s inspiration comes from the 1940's and 1950's, with just a glimpse of the 1980's and accentuated by her multicultural roots and modern life. Designed to fit perfectly, her clothes are tools for the modern, self-confident woman who wants to feel beautiful, glamorous and comfortably dressed.

The colour pattern and choice of fabric are excellent. A few pieces from her newest collection below...