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Culture of Friday, 6 March 2015

Source: kamermoov.com

The story between I and Pascal Pierre is totally true - Kelly White

She is beautiful, bubbly, intelligent and hardworking. Star presenter of Jambo broadcast on Canal 2 International, and co-anchor charm of the very prestigious 10th awards ceremony CANAL d’or, Kelly White was raised like a Cinderella princess precious chair of immense surprise at a unique moment on TV!

Under the eyes of the First Lady, he proposed to her that evening, Pascal Pierre denied the veracity of this act, the next moment.

This led the audience screaming on top of their voices watching awe at the romantic gesture. Was it true or just a faux as speculated? Kelly excitedly met with us and told us all about it. Read the conversation below.

Q: Good evening Kelly, once again the Canal d’or was great, poignant, amazing and huge with the First Lady, Mrs Chantal Biya, appearing for the first time thanks to this 10th edition. As one of the presenters what do you think about the event and how did you feel after?

A: I felt honored to have been selected to be among the presenters at this prestigious Canal d’or event. It was also a double honor to have among the guests, the First Lady for her first appearance. I was very happy to be on stage to talk to her live, share in looks, impressions, the kisses she sent us and she gave me a shout out (flattered smiling). So I was really honored to be able to exchange gestures almost like talking to her personally and above all to entertain spectators and guests present, while offering them the reward they expected.

Q: Canal d’or International already ranks as the number 1 entertainment in Cameroon. You were also one of the hosts of Miss Cameroon Finale. What is your next challenge now?

A: For me, the challenges come and go but do not always look the same. For this year, I can’t tell since I’m yet to work on other several projects like some TV programs with some partners. You know with partners, as long as it has not yet materialized, we are not supposed to talk more about it. But the challenge remains that keep your feet daily on the ground, which is one thing, but also have a back up everytime. You need to get better than what you did previously. Otherwise you will be caught up with time.

Q: Finally was the incredible and moving scene where your co-host Pascal Pierre proposed marraige to you while on stage. This was an amazing moment with you being the first woman in Cameroon to be proposed to that way. I admit I was amazed.

A: Me too, I was amazed because we have a relationship that is built on rather special bases and so I was not expecting that at all. We were both emotional. You know he also spoke to me last night about asking a women’s hand in marriage; one is never sure what the answer will be. She can say yes, she can say no! So yes, for me it was very beautiful, all women dream of that. To have a beautiful marriage proposal, but I did not expect it at all at that moment. (Looking very moved). Frankly, I'm still in the clouds and I hope to come down soon.

Q: Was it real or staged played?

A: Uh everything else was a comedy. Now the story is true. It had to be portrayed as an act so the whole event would not be centred on us. We both understood that we were off to something. I think the images speak for itself. It was not a game at all. He didn’t know how far he could go but he was happy in the end.

Q: Because the very wet kiss still proves that there's something between Pascal Pierre and Kelly White. Right?

A: (Flattered) of course there's something there!

Q: So now is there a wedding coming on between Pascal Pierre and Kelly White soon?

A: For now, there is still the engagement (laughs looking very much in love). So it will be known if there will be marriage soon after or not.

Q: I hope to be invited to the wedding.

A: With pleasure, I will invite you.