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Movies of Thursday, 5 February 2015

Source: culturebene.com

I have always been fascinated by film since the 3rd grade - Eric Tamagne

The Cameroonian filmmaker Eric Tamagne talks about his art.

Q: Hello Eric, you are a young Cameroo nian who is fond of cinema. To begin, who really is Eric Tamagne?

A: Eric Tamagne is a young independent filmmaker, entrepreneur and director of a production company based in Cameroon.

Q: What about your background?

A: I did my primary education at the school of the center of Yaoundé and high school to high school Bilingual Essos. And after obtaining a Bachelor of Science, I had the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies at Temple University in the United States where I obtained a degree in Commerce.

Q: So tell us, where and how did this love for the seventh art emerge?

A: I have always been fascinated by film since the third grade. That year, back from her holiday in France, my mother brought a camera with which I started making amateur videos and staged with friends in the neighborhood. At that time, I was interested in the technical side of things, so I found impressive quality work you could see in the movies the big screen. When I arrived in the US a few years later, I made a decisive encounter. I met a young Cameroonian who was trained in broadcasting and she became a close friend. Both sharing that passion for film, she allowed me to accompany her on her school projects. So I assisted in the production process, and accompanied her onset as well. This was a great experience which I also strongly reinforced to develop my concept. And at the end of this training, full of my experiences, I threw myself fully into the cinematic adventure.

Q: What made you leave Cameroon and why the United States?

A: As I said earlier, I left Cameroon in 2002 after obtaining my Bachelor and I went to the USA in order to attend graduate school. But now I spend most of my time in Cameroon. You should be informed that the production company that I run, TGEE Productions, was planned since 2008. It was finally launched in 2012. Since then my time and energy are fully devoted to it.

Q: Let's talk about your passion and profession; by dint of experience and your unconditional love dedicated to this business, you eventually develop your own projects, but tell us more.

A: In 2012 I created the company with a partner. TGEE Productions is a company specializing in the creation, production and distribution of audiovisual works including films, documentaries and photography. We also have customers who urge us to make commercials, corporate films, and event videos. We are also available to players in the audiovisual mid latest equipment through our rental service. We have multiple film projects. Our last, NGA -TA, is a short film whose script puts into perspective the lives of girls in prostitution.

Q: How do you assess a final return to your country?

A: My homecoming is imminent. I first wanted to make sure my project took shape, and now that it's done my heart and mind are fully in Cameroon. I really want to make my building block for the development of the Cameroonian culture.

Q: Obviously, you've kept an eye on the Cameroonian cinema. How would you rate it lately, and what is the contribution of the young filmmaker that you are in the construction of this great industry?

A: What I like most about the current Cameroonian cinema is living its side and very close to reality. Everyone identifies with the characters and stories. When it comes to comedy, one cannot help laughing; and when it comes to drama, one cannot help but be moved. I think the quality of the content is excellent, but it still lacks audiovisual quality, especially when the goal is also to promote our culture internationally through this art. It is from this observation that we at TGEE have made a remarkable investment in production equipment to make it a better Cameroonian cinema. This is because it is also our desire to work with directors of the medium through partnerships.

Q: Cameroon is about to celebrate its 49th National Youth Day. What is your thought in this context?

A: First of all I would like to acknowledge the dynamism of the Cameroonian youth despite its challenges facing unemployment. I noted that since the democratization of ICT (Information Technology and Communication) young people are becoming more open to the world and creativity. Many are engaged in entrepreneurship despite the access to bank credit problems. So I see a youth who decided to take control of his future, a youth who fights and wants our country to advance. I can only encourage them in this direction.

Q: Tamagne Eric , thank you for agreeing to answer questions from Culturebene, and good luck in the rest of your career.

A: Thank you to you for this moment.

Watch the ‘NGA-TA’ trailer below.