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Culture of Friday, 9 January 2015

Source: yaounde.usembassy.gov

Ark Jammers Concert for Unity & Peace launched

On January 7, Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II and Press Assistant Isabelle Kame-Domguia joined Ark Jammers president and CEO Avline and Christophe Ava; Fidele Djebba, president of NGO “Rayons du Soleil;” and renowned Cameroonian musician Andre Manga for a press conference held at the Hotel des Deputes to announce the upcoming CAMERACTION concert on February 7 sponsored by Ark Jammers with support from other sponsors, the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cameroon, and the American people through the U.S. Embassy in Yaoundé.

Mr. Manga performs with the Josh Groben band and has performed or recorded with lead musicians like Paul Simon, Sinead O'Connor, and Peter Gabriel.

The press conference was attended by members of the Cameroonian press and young Cameroonians who lead their own nongovernmental organizations to promote the empowerment of women, youth, and to encourage their civic engagement to support their communities.

In his remarks, Mr. Quiroz underscored the United States commitment to partner with Cameroonians to strengthen civic engagement and security in Cameroon, adding: “As Ambassador Michael S. Hoza has said, we are proud to call ourselves partners with ARK Jammers in supporting CAMERACTION, an excellent opportunity for the youth of this great country to take a strong stand for promoting development and maintaining peace and security for all citizens in Cameroon, including women and girls.

That is why President Obama invited African heads of state and over 500 African youth to the White House last summer. Because the efforts addressed by leaders today are as important as the future of this continent which will be built and one day led by the youth today.

We are honored to be joined here today by young Cameroonian leaders who are committed to raising the voices of other Cameroonians to promote development and security in Cameroon.

It is especially important that they welcome the voices and efforts of women to achieve their goals, because as President Obama has said, no nation can advance without the immense talents and contributions of women. On est ensemble pour le développement et la sécurité du Cameroun!”

In their remarks, Ms. Ava, Ms. Djebba, and Mr. Manga exhorted Cameroonian youth and women to take a stand for peace, participate in the CAMERACTION Ark Jammers concert, and to offer their ideas and contributions to serve Cameroon.

“Too often citizens demand that the government provide all answers to improve our country. But we have to aid and support those efforts. We have to demand of ourselves to improve our own communities and to offer solutions to serve our nation and our fellow citizens.

One of the principal goals of the CAMERACTION Ark Jammers concert this year is to raise awareness among our youth to get involved and not be bystanders. To make a positive difference in serving our country and contribute to our security and development,” Ms. Ava said.

Per their mission statement, ARK Jammers Connection, Inc. is a Baltimore, Maryland-based non-profit organization created by the ARK Jammers, “cultural ambassadors” who use the unifying power of music to practice and promote kindness and greater global solidarity among our local and global communities. The ARK in the name stands for “Acts of Random Kindness.”