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Culture of Sunday, 13 July 2014

Source: culturebene.com

Musician Didi Bebe back in Cameroon

Adija Mapon known by the artistic name Didi Bebe, a young Cameroonian artiste resident in Abuja (Nigeria) landed in Cameroon since Thursday, hosted at the Douala international airport by her manager Thierry Leader and his entire team, representatives of Kar' culturel oven.

Didi Bebe is in Cameroon to finalize her new project, including those featuring some Cameroonian artists.

On the other hand, she is also the special guest of the Sultan Ibrahim Mbombo Njoya, King of Bamouns in order to prepare for the celebrations of NGOUON 2014.

Beyond her talent as a musical artiste, DIDI Bebe is also a young actress in the movie industry in Nigeria; she has just been named by the Label Omolara Film Production as best actress in the OLAKE OMO IYA.