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Culture of Monday, 26 September 2016

Source: kinnakasblog.com

Why Cameroonian female artists need to use sex appeal

I know we are all familiar with the term sex sells, however some people are still going to debate the inevitable.

Sex appeal was once considered a bonus for a woman; now it's practically a requirement in the entertainment world if you want to succeed!

It is not about just music anymore, it’s about the look, the ‘it’ factor, if you will … its marketing.

In today's music industry, the better you look, the greater the possibility you have of getting a contract.

It’s a damn pity though, that people have to judge real talent on looks.

In the days of Anne-Marie Nzié, people saw Anne-Marie maybe a couple of times a year, but you listened to a record without a visual.

Everything today, you watch it! Our attitudes towards sexuality (not just sex) have changed significantly since the 80s.

Most people want to watch a woman in music who is not afraid of her sexuality.

Most Cameroonian female artists don't seem to understand that sex appeal is a major selling point, going by the music videos they chuck out daily.

My Cameroonian sisters don't seem to understand the fact that aside from the music, a lot of fans want to see them perform, they want to see the sex appeal, and it has to be believable.

Upcoming Cameroonian artist Blanche Bailly seems to have understood the role of sex appeal in entertainment, going by her latest release "Kam We Stay".

She has found a way to market her sexiness in a not so trashy way.Like Beyonce, she has identified her best assets and plays on them.

Not necessarily to mask her talent but as part of a marketing plan.

My advice to our Cameroonian sisters in the game is to find a way to express their sexuality with confidence and bask in their femininity without jeopardizing their womanhood.