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Culture of Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Source: kamerflowmagazine.wordpress.com

What if Mic Monsta does #Fear remix with Magasco?

This could be a positive assumption.

What if Empire Company multiple award winning artiste and money generator Magasco A.K.A Bemenda Boy, accepts the suppose agreement to drop that his Drake attitude on Kreef’s right hand son – Mic Monsta’s, #fear song, currently the most hip hop song making hit on social media?

Magasco was one of the first Cameroonian artist that had a song title #Fear and was never release officially because the young star has been suffering from music-hacking and now, Mic Monsta, a very good friend of Magasco, recently dropped his #Fear video online.

We all know the relationship Kreef and Bboy have but knows little or nothing about Kreef Entertainment and Empire Company.

No Empire Company, agreement.

If Mic was a fast rapper, one would imagine the content as solid like song with Lil Wayne ft Drake but since the dude does more of talking like Kendrick Lamar, you can imagine.