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Movies of Monday, 7 December 2015

Source: kamerkongosa.com

Tanwie Elvis’ 'Chasing Tails' thriller is a must watch(Video)

?From the director of Bad Angel, Tanwie Elvis, comes 'Chasing Tails' a feature film written and produced by Frank Sire starring Syndy Emade, Desmond Wyte, Ade Kelly, and Frank Sire.

?SYNOPSIS: Chris (Frank Sire) is the conventional larger-than-life kind of guy. His sophistication sums up his good luck charm.

Getting laid is no trouble for him, getting to commit is his most dreaded idea. His buddy, Charles (Desmond Wyte), and colleague, Doris (Syndy Emade), hold him in such high regard and are dying to see him entangled in a web of romance. Perhaps settle down someday.

They team up in what is more likely a bet or dare in order to indulge him with Jane (Ade Kelly) a friend of Doris. Chris, liking a challenge, took the bait, caring less if Jane was being coached from behind the scenes by Doris who was the mastermind.

As fate will have it, Charles and Doris have chemistry but having been stuck in the friend zone like forever, they had to hide behind dating sites in order to stalk each other but sooner than later, all will be revealed. A relationship is waiting to happen.

Jane, enjoying the company of the wildcat whom she’s been assigned to tame, followed the bag of tricks thrown at her by her friend to the latter but since Chris is so irresistible, she couldn’t hold her guard for too long.

Playing hard-to-bed only intrigued Chris the more until he had to ditch his black card, heed to the advice of his pal Charles and say the magic words. Now all bets are off, the real life is way different, feelings have been awakened.

The player has gotten attached but with Jane no longer available, he hits rock bottom. It will take a miracle to have him feel normal again but someone has to go out of a limp to make it happen. Pulling that last card, is all about Chasing Tails.