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Télévision of Monday, 5 September 2016

Source: kamerflowmagazine.wordpress.com

Sunjo Kia launches her YouTube entertainment channel

Fine and beautiful “Banso Pikin” Sunjo Kia, says she won’t stay behind and see the entertainment grow without her clapping her hands when others would be ask to clap for their selves for contributing to the growth of the Cameroon entertainment industry.

Today 1st September, 2016 at about 2 PM, the young upcoming 25 year old celeb started by posting pictures of her long anticipate SUNJO KIA, YouTube Channel with endorsement pictures from friends, celebrities home and abroad and lots of others stakeholders.

The SUNJO KIA YouTube would be a platform for celebrities, entertainers, business men and a place where juicy and exclusive vibes on cinema, music, fashion and many other would be leaked out.

Do not miss the interview with sunjo kia…