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Culture of Monday, 14 December 2015

Source: kinnaka.blogspot.com

My unpleasant encounter with Idris Elba - Krystn Enem

Idris Elba is currently in Nigeria for the Nigerian premiere of Netflix's 'Beasts of No Nation'. Nigerian-based media personality, Krystn Enem has always had a huge crush on Idris.

She finally had the opportunity to meet him last night but unfortunately, the encounter was very unpleasant for our girl Krystn. The following is what she said about the brief meeting.

I had no idea Idris was in town till the last minute. Luckily a friend had reserved a VIP pass for me to the exclusive after party without my knowledge, she surprised me with it. I got there early say 11pm, sat close to the door, just allowed enough room for him to walk in and notice me, then greet me with a smile and a big hug lol (dreamer me) 12am, he arrived, thankfully he was with just one bodyguard and the producer of the movie.

He walked the red carpet and did an interview. Nobody else was allowed on it. I rushed to the side of the red carpet and took a quick selfie with him at the background. I was excited. Then went back to my seat. Even though I was quite disappointed at how he looked physically,I felt it must have been stress.

NOTE: Idris Elba is not as hot as those almost 70 pictures I have on my phone. Then, red carpet interview was done and he walked towards me, and stopped right next to me, I was already dreaming lol. Well I walked up to him as a bold cat and smiled and said hello Idris, I am a big fan, please can I have a picture? Oh! How he looked me in the eyes, eyeball to eyeball, a tiny smirk on his face and he said No! No pictures.

By this time, I was already in cloud 9, the clouds started reducing to 8 then 7, then stopped at 5. I said just one selfie or one group picture, and he said No picture. I'm sorry. Do you know how many pictures I have taken today? I might as well just be having a photo shoot day! OMG!!! My knees started caving in, I turned around and one of my musician friends who was also looking for a picture but not courageous enough to ask a second time was looking at me with the 'I told you he's a bitch' look. Cry pass me ... Damn!

By this time, he had already walked away. Well...I put myself together and thought maybe he was just tired and will realize he had hurt me and a hundred other fans. 1hour 30 minutes later, I saw him again with Dbanj and Toolz taking pictures, so I thought 'oh well now he's in the mood for pictures' and I walked towards them, this time I got another of my friends to go with me.

Needless to say he totally ignored us, then his bodyguard said 'lady, you heard him the other time, he said no pictures'. Then I said but he's taking pictures with Dbanj and Toolz. Then the guard said should I be rude about this? He's not taking pictures with 'regular people'. At this point, my friend said it's okay, we are leaving. I mumbled 'let him f*** off.

I was so angry I could have cried. This was an exclusive event and what did he mean by regular people anyway. I quietly went into my car, sat there for about 20minutes to calm down and drove off to meet up another bubbly party somewhere else. So I say, Idris Elba has hereby been uncrushed, decrushed whatevercrushed ... But he just made me more resilient to work harder.

One day I will have him on Krystn Enem Show. Abeg never judge a book by it's cover and NEVER judge based on MEDIA. It is not always as it seems.

Click Photos for pictures.