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Culture of Monday, 5 October 2015

Source: nexdimempire.com

Mr Adrenalin defends Stanley Enow's pose with Pope

Cameroon’s Hip Hop headliner Stanley Enow during his US visit took a picture beside the pope’s effigy.

This photo has been received by some Cameroonians with utter exhilaration. It’s so unheard that level-headed Cameroonians will think such a photo was edited on photoshop. It’s quite disheartening to see someone who has brought so much pride to Cameroon being thrown to the mire.

After several hate comments and posts on social media, reactions have been massive.Photoshop expert and video director Mr Adrenaline has bitterly reacted to this folly and throws clarity.

Read the text below.

"Ok my brothers and sisters in the Lord! I’ve been seeing so much criticising around this photo so I thought I should say something. I’m very much disappointed seeing a lot of people saying Stanley Enow is fooling people and that this is photoshop".

For crying out loud it’s an effigy my people. I don’t remember seeing a post from Stanley saying he met the Pope I think people are the ones coming up with that story. If you all doubt go and check the photos on Stanley Enow’s official page and profile.

Mr Adrenaline stated that,the photograph is not photoshoped. I was expecting All you who claim to be Adobe Photoshop Certified Technician to have a better judgement of the photo. Stanley Enow did not in any way deceive anybody. The Pope’s figure which you clearly see in the photos is an Effigy Meaning it's actually in the picture. It’s a life size cut out of the Pope and a lot of people take photos next to the statue. If you doubt me make some research.

According to him, Stanley Enow is not a fool to make fun of the Pope. "that guy is too intelligent to fool people with a cut out statue of the Pope and I don’t think you all claiming to know his intentions actually do! And that’s just the funny thing about all those criticising for basically no reason. You guys are the ones forcing the concept of deceiving fans on him. Funny enough when he posted the picture he was talking about how drugs bought on roadsides kill more than 800,000 people yearly. I don’t see how this has got anything to do with meeting the Pope", he added.

"I just think a lot of people have already developed so much hatred in their minds for Stanley, so much that whatever he posts, people are so quick to judge and hate. I think you all should think twice before passing judgement! Na Mr Adrenaline Tokam".