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Culture of Monday, 5 October 2015

Source: culturebene.com

Mathematik to release album in November

Mathematik Mathematik

Talented artiste, Mathematik, is set to release his next album scheduled for November.

He just returned from an international tour and spared a few minutes to tell us about it and other upcoming exclusives. Read the short interview below.

Q: Hi Mathematik, you have just returned from an international tour; first in Jo’Bourg and then Bordeaux, where you put up the show as usual.

A: Yes, I put up the show as usual! From Bordeaux, I went to Paris and then to South Africa where I performed at Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. It went very well and I'm back in Cameroon to prepare for the videos of my new album and I have to be in Brussels next weekend.

Q: Euh Mathematik is a Cameroonian artiste who tours a lot. Is there a superstar schedule you follow?

A: I will be in Brussels on October 5, October 17 at Nice, October 24 in Sabrokhe, Germany, a great night on October 31 at Bangangté in Paris, November 7 in Leeds, England and I will be back on November 10 with the new album by the grace of God in Cameroon, Tour Du Monde.

Q: Okay, do you even have the time to rest sometimes, to see your family and fully take advantage of them?

A: I have based my children and their mother in France. So, I'm a man from three continents.

Q: So what is the title of the music video you will shoot in Cameroon next week?

A: (Laughs) I can't reveal the title otherwise it will no more be a buzz. The new album will be released in November and the shooting has started.

Q: Who is the Director?

A: We have not made the choice yet, there are many.