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Culture of Thursday, 23 June 2016

Source: betatinz.com

Jovi & Reniss light up crowd in Libreville

Camer's Mboko god; Jovi, was invited for a concert in Libreville; Gabon in honor of the World Music day celebrations on the 21st of June and he completely lit up the place, that was filled up with several thousands of Gabonese. They were effortlessly singing his songs! It was a moment of pure bliss for Jovi; as an artist, to feel that much love from fans in a different country from his. It was a moment of pure bliss too for us; lovers and stake holders of Camer music, to see how much our music has infiltrated the masses. Amazing! Check out the video below:
If you were in any way doubting the fact that 'La Sauce' by Reniss, is the hit of the moment, check out the video below of her performance in Libreville and clear your doubt: