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Culture of Thursday, 4 February 2016

Source: kamerlink237.wordpress.com

I wish ‘Nkap’ gets banned too- Gee Reign

K’Link: Thanks for talking to us Gee. So tell us, Gee reign as a person and music, how did this come to life?

Gee R: Me and the music we go way back when I was just a boy. Since class six I guess when I used to enjoy music, and change lyrics and use my own wordings on songs and keep the melody and call it my song.

Then I started rhyming and freestyling as time went on and I got better with time till 2006 when I recorded my first track “street struggle” produced by DiJay Pazzo (scratch records at the time). And I got better with time.

K’Link: Wow that’s quite a bio you have, and it seemed good, till “see thru my eyes dropped” a whole EP done in Nigeria. Some songs earned you awards (blowing ashes – Greenlight awards,…). Can you enlighten us on the Nigerian experience.

Gee R: well back in Naija I was the main engineer in a pro studio with everything at my disposal, I used to host 2 TV shows, had quite a fan base, and could do my music whenever I pleased cus everything was available.

So I did a lot of songs and carefully selected those on the ‘see thru my eyes’ EP that got me where it got me. Right now I’m in Kamer and I work as the only artist under 237 Jamz, a record label in which I am a Cofounder.

K’Link: Naija seems to be quite a name nowadays, why return?

Gee R: well I love my country and I want my own people not only to see and promote me but to also grow to higher heights.

K’Link: but ever since your return, the screens have seen little of you, and your fans have been awaiting the video of NKAP but nothing yet for over a year, what is going on?

Gee R: I had some personal issues that held me back, but surely they’ll have more to see and hear this year.

K’Link: so how does the evolution trend of Kamer urban music (hip hop, R&B and afro) look like to you?

Gee R: Well some years ago, we heard just Jovi and a little bit of Magasco and some very few people, but these days, Kamer is coming out strong with amazing talents from part of the country.

I just love how we growing even though must rappers following the “Jovi” style without realizing it but at least, it’s a Kamer thing and I’m still proud of it. I won’t be surprised to find more than 3 Cameroonians at the next MAMA awards, me inclusive. (He laughs). We even have videos with over 10 million views on YouTube, I say bravo to Franko.

K’Link: The news about Franko’s 'Coller la Petit' band, what can you say about that?

Gee R: there was no need, because we’ve heard and seen worse from artist like Petit pays, and other bitkusi artist. It was a boost to the song cus it called on the public far and wide to want to know more about the song. I wish my own song to gets banned. (he lol).

K’Link: Which of your songs and why?

Gee R: ‘Nkap’. Its like a master piece, exactly how I pictured it in my head, Gasha made it perfect. A blend of other cultures and it’s a song that can’t die, it’s going to live on like a classical, besides its heavy message, it’s one of my personal favorites.

K’Link: Cute flashy and famous, can the ladies hope on you for a “thing”?

Gee R: (he laughs and stares for a while). Nope they shouldn’t. I’m taken and very comfortable with my lady Golda. I’M sorry ladies.

K’Link: Any words to the young stars and veterans?

Gee R: first of I give my respect to DJ Pazzo, and one of my favorite producers of all time Jigga and love to all my fans. If you want to be an artist, you should be driven by passion, be patient, avoid yes people and take all critics serious and keen. And please get a side hustle to fund your bills, else you go don one sneakers sotey ya foot peel (Laughs).

K’Link: thanks for talking to KamerLink.

Gee R: my pleasure. One love.