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Fashion/Mode of Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Source: bridgetteraes.com

How to dress when you are the oldest person at work

You’ve spent your entire career honing your skills as a professional and you would like to think that all these years of becoming a seasoned employee would work for you, not against you.

Unfortunately, in this youth obsessed world, the opposite can often be true. If you have found yourself among colleagues who don’t remember the Clinton administration you may have found yourself feeling insecure about looking too old. Here are my tips on how to dress when you are the oldest person at work.

Don’t try to keep up with the youngsters

Perhaps your strategy thus far has been to eavesdrop on the conversations of your younger colleagues to pick up shopping tips or maybe you have considered things like Botox or dressing younger. While keeping your appearance youthful can certainly work, it can also backfire horribly.

There is a huge difference between dressing young and dressing youthful. When a woman dresses too young for her age she can actually come across looking older, like she is desperately clinging to her youth.

Conversely, when a woman chooses clothing that is updated and age appropriate she looks youthful and as if she has embraced her age with confidence. Wouldn’t you rather be aspirational to your younger colleagues by showing you can look fantastic at any age?

Don’t degrade your years of experience by trying to dress too young A desire to look youthful is understandable. We all want to age as gracefully as we can and there is nothing wrong with coloring your hair, working out regularly, or even fillers and Botox, if that is your thing.

Embracing your age does not mean you let your appearance slide. However, when women become obsessed with this it can really come across as pathetic and sad. Don’t degrade your experience, intelligence and years of wisdom by dressing too young or trying too hard to keep up with your younger colleagues.

Who are you trying to impress and why is this so important to you? Maintenance and upkeep is one thing. It shows you are conscientious and care. Obsessing about it shows that you might have your priorities in the wrong place.

Don’t shop where women half your age do

There certainly are stores where you find women from the age of 20 to the age of 50 shopping. Retailers like Banana Republic and Ann Taylor, for example, are known for appealing to a broad age range.

However, if a bunch of younger girls are hitting Forever 21 during their lunch break you may want to stay behind or shop somewhere else. Not only might the look be too young, but the clothing fit of stores that cater to younger women may not work for you.

Sure, a piece here or an accessory there from one of these stores is fine, but don’t stock up from younger clothing stores just to compete and look half your age. You’ve worked hard to earn the salary you do, dress like it and invest in more than just disposable, cheap clothes.