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Culture of Thursday, 2 June 2016

Source: betatinz.com

Festirock's ‘Silent Night' kicks off on June 3

After an unprecedented Festirock which took place last February 11, 2016, various Cameroonian Rock groups are ready to go again.

A tour is in the pipelines. One which will permit the groups to gain a larger audience and walk the public through a discovery of other facets of rock music.

Full swing rehearsals are already ongoing, and everyone hopes to push the limits of their creativity in order to have a greater impact.

To this end, Steve Missongle, the guitarist of the group 'Pioneers', said: "The group’s mood is good indeed, and we are all very enthused about the next phase.

Festirock was an opportunity for us to prepare minds for the upcoming revolution.

It will be epic, unprecedented and absolutely rock. Brace yourself; here we come and it’ll be crazy"

'Kamerock' collectively consists of 4 groups; 'Pioneers' and 'Silent Echoes', both in Douala, 'We are not a Band' from Buea and 'Dreamfast' from Yaounde.

They will be igniting the terrace next to the cité des palmiers market, during Silent Night planned for June 3 at 8pm, and on June 11 during the CMAN show to be held at the “Institut Français du Cameroun”, Akwa (Douala), from 6pm.

Entrance is 2000 and 2500 FCFA and will be paid on the day.

In a context where the red carpet seems to be rolled out for Afropop, a group of young people has decided to do Rock and Metal.

The path for them is long and rough, but they are determined.

They intend to make the Cameroonian public dance with the Rock waves.

A more detailed article on the CMAN show will soon be available.

In the meantime, stay in the loop for more information!!!