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Fashion/Mode of Friday, 16 January 2015

Source: cassiedavies.com

Buttoned down does the magic

You know that thing they say about variety being the spice of life? Truer words haven’t been said.

I posted a sneak peek of this post on Instagram earlier and I got lots of "ooo, ahh" comments.

Thanks guys! Although, I must confess that this outfit wasn't all my idea. I let my friend Tracy infuse her touch to it.

I always trust her judgement but I try to take only the parts that still go with my person and leave the rest because even though she has an amazing style, she is more "all glam, hair did, nails did" while I'm more of a disaster waiting to happen.

But on the night of the music meets runway event when I was still unsure if my choice of this super dope white shirt with blue prints all buttoned up and tucked into this short blue pleated skirt from a post didn't look too "churchy and ordinary" , I let Tracy talk me into buttoning down and adding that statement neckpiece that she waltzed in with minutes earlier and presented to me as a birthday gift instead.

The change was instant and I think I liked it.

Bought the shorts that same night from some woman in my hostel who happened to walk pass at the moment I realized shorts might look a bit better.

A little TIP for when you don't know what to wear out: Start with a statement piece (Graphic skirt, Dope print shirt, Ripped pants e.t.c) and work around that.

My shirt was the centerpiece and not even the necklace, I knew even if I decided with the skater skirt option (Still gonna wear it that way though). It will still look cool as long as that shirt stayed on.

Not everytime dress eccentric, sometimes take the regular, the expected and still make it slay! That's the lesson I learnt from this look.

What do you guys think?