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Culture of Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Source: ebony.com

Discover the wonders of Cameroon: ‘Africa in Miniature’

When it comes to travel to Africa, everyone dreams about hitting spots like South Africa, Kenya and Ghana.

However, with 54 countries on the continent, there’s so much more of Mama Africa to explore.

Sisters Eposi and Lee Litumbe in their adopted home of California, bring you firsthand tips on exploring their native homeland, the vibrant country of Cameroon.

Nicknamed “Africa in miniature,” the French and English speaking country of Cameroon offers everything–an active volcanic mountain, lush jungles (the 1984 adaptation of Tarzan was filmed there), white and black sand beaches, a myriad of wildlife, historical sites and, perhaps most importantly, a people with extremely diverse cultural backgrounds.

It’s safe to say there’s something for everyone in Cameroon, from the leisure lounger to the adventurous thrill seeker.

As native Cameroonians, here are a few recommendations we personally chose to make the most of your time while visiting.

Hike mount Cameroon

Mount Cameroon, or Mount Fako as it is called locally, is the tallest mountain in Central/West Africa at roughly 4,000 meters high, with an active volcano located in the South-West region of the country.

Hiking up this colossal mountain is no easy feat. It is broken up into 3 trails (known as Huts 1, 2, and 3) and can normally be ascended within 5 days.

Visitors begin the trek in the small, quaint town of Buea, and then gradually make their way toward Upper Farms, an area where inmates from a local prison tend to small corn, avocado, and banana farms.

Due to the steep nature of the first trail, most find the hike to be quite challenging (we’ve never actually made it past Hut 1!) and it’s best done under the guidance of a porter and local guide.

Those who are successful in getting past Hut 1 (kudos to you!) have a great chance of seeing elephants and an abundance of other wildlife, as well as natural springs, and the scenic views of the surrounding areas below.