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Culture of Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Source: kinnaka.blogspot.com

Cameroonian awards too small for Cameroonian celebrities?

The first edition of the Cameroon Eleganza Entertainment Awards (CAMEEA) took place at Bercy Hall in Douala, Cameroon.

Shockingly, a good number of artistes nominated in various categories did not turn up for the awards ceremony.

To the young struggling artistes (basically the Bamenda crew) who did not turn up for the awards, this is what I have to say to you.

Good work doesn’t necessarily speak for itself. Somebody has to speak up for it, and it makes the most sense for it to be you (The Artiste).

“Do things, tell people” is one succinct formula to success. What’s so often overlooked, of course, is the “tell people” element (Managers & Promoters need to work).

Just as most artistes and authors hire managers and agents to get their work in front of the right people, you must do this for yourself.

Visibility is the vital key to becoming the kind of person who gets promotions, raises, and access to opportunities. As an artiste, it’s helpful to make relevant information visible for your fans. Award shows provide a diversified platform to show off your talents, get noticed and learn from other artistes.

To the bigger and more experienced artistes especially the ‘supposed’ young generation role models like Jovi and Stanley Enow, shame on you! Honestly speaking I didn’t expect Jovi to turn up, not after the excuse he gave for not attending the MTVbase awards ceremony in South Africa.

Stanley Enow, on the other hand, is well known for chasing international awards. One question for you Mr Stanley.. 1) Are Cameroonian award ceremonies too small for you? You didn’t even acknowledge the fact that you were nominated for the CAMEEA.

You did not ask your fans to vote as you do for other awards. It might sound like I am going hard on you! Oh Yes! I am because I expect better. You have been out there and you have seen the way people do things. If you can’t bring it back home and teach our brothers and sisters then it is all nonsense.

Good job to all the artistes who turned up with their fans for the event.Let’s continue the struggle and congratulations to everyone who went home with an award.