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Culture of Thursday, 24 December 2015

Source: kinnaka.blogspot.com

Bushfallers, you're ridiculing your own selves - Penjo Baba

High profile Cameroonian photographer, Penjo Baba took to Facebook to raise his concerns/views about 'bushfallers' and the way they complain about Cameroon.

This is his statement below.

"This is really funny and ridiculous, why do most Cameroonians who've been abroad or studied abroad, some have come back home and those still out there keep complaining about Cameroon or Cameroonians everyday they are like "Cameroonians this, Cameroonians that"?

But I see them everyday roaming the streets looking for jobs or business or work in Cameroon. Am wondering if they have now become British, Americans, South Africans, Ivorians, Chinese, Saudis... Haba even if you got the nationality of the country where you studied or stayed in and feels your motherland people are shit, it's that simple to look for a solution quietly or remain silent and enjoy the already developed country where you got its papers. You're ridiculing your own self because we all know you're also that Cameroonian... Aaaahhhhhhh or na only that complex de worry wuna so. Massa wuna no spoil wa Christmas abeg. Am loving the humble bushfallers who come and appreciates the efforts cos they know their roots, they know their parents, their families and friends... Welcome Home."