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Musique of Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Source: kamerlinksite.wordpress.com

Blaxity Group present the beauty of Mboa in ‘Ô MBOA’ video

When talents unite, the outcome is toxic. Tony Nobody and his boys show no signs of giving up.

Either solo or in a collabo like this one, they are unstoppable.

As a united front, they have decided to address a pertinent issue in the Cameroonian society, expressing the beauty of Mboa and their love for Mboa.

Featured were OXB, Metuchela, Papy Chavez, Eloiro, Black Lar Rue, Shamir Sunshine, Anti Virus, Abritan, and Tony Nobody himself. The video was directed by Maniema Dominique.

Watch Ô Mboa by Royal Révolution & Newdim Studio below.