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Musique of Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Batibo: Musicians encouraged to be innovative

North West-based musicians have been encouraged to exploit talents to emerge in live music, away from studio and play-back performances that do not promote growth. The new executive of the Association of North West Musicians, ANOWEMU, says it is determined to change the lot of artistes.

The President, A.K Asongwe, alias Ankias Vallyman, announced a new era for North West musicians on the occasion of the 35th World Music Day in Batibo, Momo Division. He encouraged colleagues to believe in themselves and produce music that fetches wealth.

Ankias Vallyman proposed hard work as the password for any musician that aspires to emerge. He expressed his belief in the fact that quality music causes music lovers to stand by North West musicians and not look elsewhere for entertainment.

Ankias Vallyman saluted the Ministry of Arts and Culture for superintendence, but was quick to warn against interference in the activities of musicians. The event stressed the role of musicians summed up in entertainment, education and sensitization of the population on values that take society forward.

Among speed brakes, the musicians decried the absence of a hall, podium and platform to train and showcase their talents. Piracy and the absence of a copyright body to offer best practices in the sector also feature as speed brakes for North West musicians.

The Head of Arts, Performance, Cultural Enterprises and Creative Industries in the Regional Delegation of Arts and Culture, Caroline Ngelo Fombosoh, challenged North West musicians to be creative and innovative to be able to compete favourably.

She announced a support fund for artistes by the ministry and said the World Music Day was a rare event to discover and promote emerging musicians.