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Musique of Thursday, 4 February 2016

Source: kamerlink237.wordpress.com

Brand new video by Tilla – 'Girls U Nova Ndem'

Tilla aka The Godmother is up at it again with a spectacular piece she titles ‘Girls U Nova Ndem’, a pidgin expression meaning ‘Girls, you have not messed up’.

Tilla who recently left Jovi’s New Bell Music is still demonstrating her strength and creativity as her own boss under her own record label ‘Godmother records’.

‘Girls U Nova Ndem’ is a special piece Tilla did some time ago for the ladies by expressing her feminism, inspiring, and empowering the female gender with her extraordinary punchlines.

Today, she has dropped the video as promised, directed by herself in collaboration with Chuzih Dadido and it's a creative and inspirational one, featuring images of outstanding female characters in recent history.

Tilla also demonstrates her ability to step to the beat and believe me, she does so more than you could ever imagine.

Enough said; watch and enjoy this beautiful piece and if you are a lady, make sure you get Tilla’s powerful message to you.