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Players Abroad of Monday, 18 July 2016

Source: goal.com

Klop hopeful Matip’s injury isn’t serious

Jöel Matip Jöel Matip

The Cameroon international was forced off during a friendly win over Wigan, but the manager is confident he will be ready to return to action after a short rest

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has played down concerns over an injury suffered by Joel Matip, affirming that he should make a quick recovery.

The former Schalke defender limped off during Sunday's 2-0 victory over Wigan Athletic, having complained about pain in his ankle.

But Klopp is hopeful the Cameroon international has not sustained serious damage, and will be able to resume pre-season preparations sooner rather than later.

"I hope it’s only a minor problem. He said he’s had it one or two times already. It’s the foot he had problems with in the past and then he had a little bit of pain when pre-season started because of the intensity," the manager said at a press conference.

"He’s used to it. Hopefully it is like this because everyone can see he’s in a real good way.

I think tomorrow he’ll rest, then he can go again."

Liverpool's second goal was netted by Ben Woodburn, who enjoyed a stunning second half.

The boss, however, is determined to ease the 16-year-old into the first team, and will not rush his development.

"The problem that you can make for these guys is that you write too much about them. You have enough time, they are young enough," he said.

"You can write about them when they are 18, 19 and don't bring them into the situation of going to school and not going to school, meeting friends... I couldn't have explained in this age what happens to me in this moment so cool down, everything is good.

"We are something like their family and we will really keep an eye on them. But it's not important who will join us in America [for the International Champions Cup]. We are are not going there on holiday and it's not the most important training for them in their lives so they have their own team at home and we will see what will happen.

"If we have the situation and if they learn, if they listen and stay concentrated and disciplined then they have a bright future that's for sure. But between now and the bright future, there's a lot of work. Let's start with the work and not with the news."