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Soccer News of Sunday, 12 October 2014

Source: lions4life.com

Leone Stars hold Lions to a 0 - 0 tie

The Leone Stars have held the Lions to a 0-0 tie in their day three match played this afternoon at the Amadou Ahidjo Stadium in Yaounde.

The draw to many is an indication that the Indomitable Lions still have to do more work to stand up to the opponents who did their homework, closed all scoring opportunities for the Lions.

Come Wednesday, the 4th day game would be played and the Lions have the obligation to win the match or align behind Ivory Coast that won their match against DRC and a closely tailing the Lions with 6 points.

Group D Standings:
Cameroon: 7 points
Ivory Coast: 6 points
DRC: 3 points
Sierra Leone: 1 point