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Soccer News of Monday, 7 July 2014

Source: camfoot.com

Adoum Garoua booed and asked to resign

After the sports minister failed miserably to convince members at the highly anticipated question time, some are now demanding a parliamentary commission to shed light on the debacle of the Indomitable Lions and failures surrounding the abominable football flop.

Adoum Garoua had been eagerly awaited in the Chamber of the National Assembly since the return of the Cameroonian delegation from Brazil but the parliamentary meeting last Friday could easily have been mistaken for pantomime.

Barely scratching the surface with his answers to the questions of the Honourable Martin Oyono, CPDM member of the Department of Ocean, and Jean-Michel Nintcheu, elected SDF Wouri, his vague responses received resolute boos.

MP Martin Oyono demanded the establishment of a parliamentary commission, regardless of the mission entrusted to the Prime Minister by the Head of State, to shed light on the "lousy" Lions participation in the World Cup and the malfunctions surrounding the operation of the national team.

Some members have even commanded the resignation of Adoum Garoua. Camfoot actually managed to get hold of Deputy Jean-Michel Nintcheu’s questionnaire;

QUESTIONS TO THE MINISTER OF SPORTS AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (By the Honourable Jean Michel NINTCHEU the 04-07-2014 at the session of oral questions to the government)

Mr. Minister,

Since 1994, the balance of our national football team in the World Cup has been catastrophic. Five appearances (1994, 1998, 2002, 2010 and 2014).

Nine defeats, four draws, one win against Saudi Arabia in 2002 short, our country has lived on a cloud of football for at least 20 years.

The last expedition in Brazil is just terrible perspective in that it has spread to the whole world deception amid mafia that characterizes our football.

Bloated delegations arrived in Brazil 24 hours later than expected, premiums were not paid on time and in coin of the realm players, state of health or feverish concern of selected players, fights between players outside and on the playground etc...

What justifies, Mr. Minister, a bloated delegation of officials vulgar, sometimes accompanied by their mistresses - having nothing to do with football, being awarded mission expenses of 15 million FCFA each? And meanwhile, we just moved 4,000,000 FCA SE Roger Milla, a true icon of world football that radiates our country around the world better than our leaders and that could play a role of great importance during this Cup world, both in sport and in terms of the image of our country?

What can explain why the Chairman of standardization has been put in its delegation of discretion, in a wide courtyard which was a member of the Nation, and said that the President reportedly said the choice focused on the person was dictated by the mere fact that they are from the same department and elites? Is it normal that the Minister of Sports and Physical Education deserted offices in Yaoundé to follow the national team in Brazil? Do you do the same when it comes to other sports? Obviously not because there would be not enough "okra" in other sports.

Finally, Mr. Minister

Since 1994 as I said, your predecessors and yourself kept poor, improvisation, embezzlement and organized fraud.

Can you make this Hémicycle the balance sheet of the lousy, shameful and humiliating shipping 2014 World Cup in Brazil? In other words, how much does it cost the public treasury? Moreover, thanks to our participation in the World Cup, the standards committee has received enormous resources of FIFA.

Has this structure already produced its balance sheet? If yes, can you decline before the national representation? Thank you.