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League Report of Sunday, 2 February 2014

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Unisport outplays Astres as League 1 opens in Douala

Misunderstanding among players and absence of some others are to blame. Fans and football lovers in the economic metropolis of Douala on Saturday, February 1, 2014, had another opportunity to watch a thrilling football encounter.

The match between Astres FC of Douala and Unisport of Bafang marked the launch of the League I of the Professional Football League of Cameroon.

The football encounter, kicked off by Owona Pascal of the Normalisation Committee, rounded up with Unisport of Bafang beating Astres of Douala 1-0. It was a penalty in the goalmouth of Astres FC. One of Unisport offenders had been put down and the referee sounded the whistle. Almost every spectator stood up in a curious expectation. Tchuameni William who took the penalty, shot directly into the net, tactically displacing the goalkeeper to the opposite side of the pole.

This score, which came well in the first half, seemed to have demoralized their opponents. Most players lost their rapidity as a result. Alexandre Belinga Belinga, coach of Astres, confirmed this in a chat with the press at the end of the match. He further stated that it was just the beginning of the season and the difficulties so far noticed will be corrected.

He made allusion to some players whom he judged to be architects of past victories to join the team in the next match. “We hope to bring in more understanding between the players,” he told CT.

Unisport Coach who is a Serbian national, Sinisa Jovanovic, noted that the match was very tough, but hopes to concretise the win in the next encounter. From every indication, the result does not augur well for Astres whose popular stricker, Namatchoua a Bidias Franck, received a red card for a faulty play in Unisport goalmouth.