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Autres Sports of Monday, 28 September 2015

Source: cameroon-info.net

Tour de Côte d’Ivoire: A Cameroonian wins the first stage

Jérémie Francis Nseke Jérémie Francis Nseke

Cameroonian, Jeremiah Francis Nseke, was the fastest cyclist in the first stage of the Tour de Côte d’Ivoire race, yesterday.

He has thus qualified to participate in the 2nd stage of Tour de la Réconciliation between Dabakala and Bouaké on September 28, 2015.

The rider from SNH Velo Club traveled the 75 km between Boundiali-Korhogo-Ferké-Kanawolo in 1h 48'41'' (1hour, 48mins and 41 secs).

He came ahead of the French cyclist, Clement Orceau, from team 'Pays de La Loire' and Joseph Biziyaremye from Rwanda. Winner of three stages in the 2015 Tour de Cameroon’s ‘La flèche’ demonstrated that he is in great shape.

Cameroonians have put up a good show at this stage of the race with Yannick Lontsi coming fourth. Hervé Raoul Mba was ranked 13th, ahead of Herman Yemeli 16th. The winner of the last Tour of Cameroon, Clovis Kamzong Abossolo for his part, finished 24th, and 11 places better than his captain at the SNH, Damien Tekou, 35th.

The 22nd edition of the Ivory Coast Tour brings together 50 runners from nine countries (Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Algeria, Morocco, Rwanda, France, Belgium, Mali, and Burkina Faso). The race is played in 6 stages and will end on October 2. The six Cameroonians present in the squad are preparing for the next Chantal Biya Grand Prix (from October 14 to 18).