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Soccer News of Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Source: cameroon-tribune.cm

Professional Football League: Elections at last!

After five years of experimentation and postponements, elections will finally take play on July 28, 2016.

Originally appointed in 2011by the ex president of Fecafoot, Iya Mohamed for a mandate of two years renewable once, the executive bureau of the Professional Football league led by General Pierre Semengue has finally made five years in office.

Five years of experimentation and postponements which will finally come to an end on July 28 and the League will have an elected leadership since its creation. In between time so much water has gone under the bridge.

As earlier mentioned, the pioneer bureau of the Professional Football League was given a mandate of two years renewable once and its president was not to stand for elections at the end of the mandate.

That mandate came to an end in 2013 and in the absence of an elect president at Fecafoot, the Normalisation Committee created a provisionary board of directors and management team led still by General Semengue and the mandate extended to December 2015 the mandate of the provisionary executive of the League was again extended by the new president of Fecafoot to April 30, 2016.

However, the general assembly of the League in between time modified the original statutes enacted for it by Fecafoot, making provision or the pioneer president to run for elections.

This new statutes was rejected by the Fecafoot general assembly in a move which was seen as an attempt by the new president of Fecafoot to eject General Semengue from the League.

The League contested the decision and won at the level of the chamber of conciliation and arbitration of the national Olympic committee. With the way now open for the General to seek an elective mandate, the football association president came up with another gimmick, this time prolonging the mandate of the Provisionary Management committee of the Professional league until April 30, 2017, purportedly to give them time to organize the championship and elections.

However, the League whose second mandate expired on April 30th 2016, decided to forge ahead with the elections which had been scheduled by the board meeting of April 14, for July 28 and later on confirmed unanimously by the general assembly of the League of May 21st.