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League Report of Thursday, 22 May 2014

Source: fecafoot-officiel

FECAFOOT and UNAIDS together to fight HIV/AIDS

The FECAFOOT and UNAIDS signed a partnership agreement in earlier, May 2014. Through this agreement, FECAFOOT offers the UN agency competitions for young people as a platform for the deployment of the "Protect the Goal” campaign.

Organized by UNAIDS, the campaign was launched for the first time in 2010 during the World Cup in South Africa.

It aims to raise awareness of the danger of HIV and especially to mobilize young people to fight HIV/AIDS.

It also puts an emphasis on the need to ensure access to antiretroviral treatment to 15 million people who are eligible.

After signing the agreement, Prof. Joseph OWONA, Chairman of the Committee for the Standardization of FECAFOOT and Mr. Djibil DJALLO, Director of UNAIDS office in Cameroon, faced the press for a debriefing and to answer some questions.

The outcome of this agreement holds that “Protect the Goal " as a major partner for the youth competitions will focus on raising the awareness of young footballers on the dangers and how to prevent HIV / AIDS