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Volley-ball of Monday, 21 December 2015

Source: cameroon-info.net

First edition of Festi-volleyball takes place in Yaounde

Les Lionnes Indomptables Volleyball Les Lionnes Indomptables Volleyball

The first edition of Festi-Volleyball is set to take place in Yaounde and is spearhead by Moussa Maliki, former international volleyball ball player.

According to Moussa, the event is to help make the sports more popular in the country, Cameroon Tribune reported.

"Festi Volleyball is a kind of great fair of discipline for young people. In a day, you will learn all about the discipline. The goal is that each person learns 'something little', said the daily.

Supported by the African Hope Foundation founded by Moussa Maliki, he has the support of his teammates like Nathan Wouembaina and Jean Patrice Ndaki Mbouelet.

20 teams from six regions (Adamawa, Centre, Far North, Littoral, North and South) are expected in the gymnasium of ENSTP.

"We want to educate young people at school. The aim is to combine sport and studies in relation to the objective of the association. The association intends using the socio-economic development of remote areas of Cameroon. We also do tutoring. We will figure out ways on how to train the trainers," Moussa Maliki explained.

According to the daily, the players of the national teams have many technical shortcomings. This increases the workload of breeders. To remedy this situation, it is more a matter for Moussa Maliki, to work at the base with the youth.

Considered a test, Festi-volley will take place in another city for the next edition when the maiden one turns out successful.

The idea is to bring young people together and raise awareness on education through this tournament.