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Soccer News of Monday, 21 July 2014

Source: CRTV

Brazil 2014 Commission of Inquiry: Five days left

The commission put in place to dig into the causes of the humbling defeat of the Indomitable Lions during the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil, has up to Saturday 26th to present its findings to the Head of State.

Just five days to go, sources at the Prime Minister’s office confirm that members are almost through with the investigations. They have already carried out close to thirty interrogations from a wide range of resource persons directly or indirectly linked to football.

The thirty are made up of resource persons from the Ministry and FECAFOOT, football bigwigs, members of the Cameroonian delegation to Brazil, President of the Normalization Committee of the Cameroon Football Federation and journalists.

As the commission assembles its findings, anxiety grows amongst Cameroonians and football fans. Everyone is hopeful that a whole lot of questions that are currently being asked shall find answers if details of the report is made available to all.

There is little doubt, if one should go by the intellectual and moral integrity of this group headed by the Secretary General at the Prime Minister’s office, Louis Paul Motaze.

Amongst the fifteen members include, Tuna Mama, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister and other heads of security services.

It is worth recalling that the inquiry was ordered by the Head of State on 26th June 2014, a day after the official delegation from Brazil arrived in Cameroon. President Paul Biya is demanding the commission to identity the real causes of the shameful defeat and propose urgent measures needed to restructure Cameroon football.