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Actualités of Thursday, 28 July 2016

Source: emmanuel vitus | 76crimes.com

LGBT rights activists busy seeking rights in Cameroon

LGBT activists in protest march LGBT activists in protest march

LGBT rights activists have worked hard this month seeking public recognition of the human rights of LGBT citizens of Cameroon. During the month, activists have been marching against violence.

A peaceful march on July 13 challenged and educated policymakers and society in general about the problem of violence perpetrated against human rights defenders in Cameroon.

Camfaids (the Cameroonian Foundation for AIDS) and a group of several other human rights defenders’ groups organized the march.

It was held to mark the groups’ declaration of July 15 as Human Rights Defenders Day. Specifically, July 15 was declared the Day Honoring the Struggle Against Violence Targeting Human Rights Defenders.

Discussing risk management

Humanity First in Yaoundé (LBTQ and Women Who Have Sex With Women) presented a discussion of risk management, in particular a discussion of the idea of establishing a program of risk management for sexual minorities.

Other activities of Human Rights Defenders Day included:

A religious ceremony marking the third anniversary of the assassination of activist/journalist Eric Ohena Lembembe, former executive director of Camfaids and a writer for this blog. The ceremony, organized by Camfaids, took place at its headquarters at Titi Garage, Yaoundé. The gathering included members of several human rights organizations and Lembembe’s family.

A visit to the Lembembe’s grave. This month is the third anniversary of his 2013 murder.

A panel discussion, organized by Camfaids, focused on how to end violence against human rights defenders The event, held at the French Institute, was attended by several associations, including Alcondoms, Camfaids, Alternative Cameroon and Camnafaw.