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Infos Business of Monday, 18 July 2016

Source: businessincameroon.com

Local materials promotion mission captivates public

Fire bricksFire bricks

On July 16, 2016, two days of Open House to the public ended in the premises of the Mission of Promotion of Local Materials (Mipromalo) in Yaoundé, capital of Cameroon.

This operation, Mipromalo indicated in an official communiqué, falls within the framework of "disseminating and promoting the results of research aimed at finding solutions to housing problems".

During two days, participants at the Open House had access to the presentation of services provided by this public institution, an exhibition of products made of local materials perfected by Mipromalo. The results of research on the technologies leading to the production of these materials were also shared with the public.

These two days of discovery were more a charm operation targeting potential customers. Indeed, through similar initiatives, Mipromalo hopes to interest more and more Cameroonians in the use of local materials to carry out their projects notably in real estate.

For example, in spite of the requirement of the Cameroonian government contained in the Prime Minister circular dating back to 2007, even housing projects initiated by the State do not favour the use of local materials.