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Infos Business of Friday, 24 June 2016

Source: dailynewscameroon.com

Camair-Co banned from flying to Europe

Camair-Co Camair-Co

Camair-co has been suspended from going to Europe due to safety concerns and extremely poor managerial organization.

Information suggests there is a lot going on with the present management who have been backed by Ferdinard Ngo ,Secretary general at the presidency and Edouard Akame Mfoumou who is the PCA (President de conseils d’aministration) preventing the change of the General Manager ,who has transform the state company into a money-making machine for the Trio(Jean Nana Sandjo,Akame mfoumou, and Ferdinard Ngoh)who are running a private business there.

How do you expect Camair-Co to survive when the current DG is a former supplier of Camair-co and using his position as DG to pay himself a 6 percent commission on every dealing with aircraft leasing company AJW engines and among others.

Paule Assoumou Koki,the director of Cameroon civil aviation authority (CCAA) signed the document banning Camair-Co traveling to Europe.Some observers have noted that it should have been banned from flying completely and possibly withdrawing Camair-co license for safety reasons.(Copy Attached
Just Days after taking office as the minister of transport last year,Allen Mebe promised that the state owned airline company will be back to its old good day.

But, according to press reports which have been supported by the company's DG and Cameroon Minister of Transport himself ,the state airline situation is worse than it appears.implying that the transport minister has failed or is part of those contributing in sinking Camair-co.

In a similar cry this week Edgar Mebe Ngo indicated that the state airline needs an immediate 1.5billions FFCA to pay some it debtor (tradex, IATA, just to name a few).

It is worth mentioning that the Star of Cameroon will not survive a day after receiving this money under this request by the Cameroon minister.alafnet.com thinks that for the company to survive for 6 months the minister should be requesting about 14billion FCFA (1.5 billion x6=9 billion,plus current 5 billion which creditor as asking for immediate payment).

A close look at the current scenario around Camair-co seems to depict that ,all parties are doing everything to put enormous pressure on the MINFI to come to the aid of Camair-co who nothing to show for then 10 billion F CFA subsidies given by the state since January 2016.