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Infos Sports of Friday, 16 January 2015

Source: cameroon-info.net

Joseph Owona must have a hidden agenda - Antoine Bell

The former Indomitable Lions coach and candidate for the presidency of the Fecafoot presents a glowing summary of the Standardization Committee.

Joseph Antoine Bell took stock of the management of the Standards Committee of the Cameroon Football Federation (Fecafoot) by Joseph Owona. Invited to comment on the letter that Professor Owona sent to the Governor of the Littoral region which puts an end to the functions of the Regional Committee, Bell hints that he's suspicious of the real intentions of the jurist.

"Professor Owona must be pursuing a hidden agenda. Because it is difficult to believe that he is unable to enforce the law which he claims to be an expert of. Professor Owona cannot forget many things. The first is that, he knows that the mandate of the Standardisation Committee will end with the end of the electoral process", he purported.

Joseph Antoine Bell decried the attitude of Owona towards the Board of conciliation and arbitration of the National Olympic Committee. "He knows that the highest level of the sporting jurisdictions is CNOSC." "We may well love it and not him. Whether he likes it or not, it is enshrined in the law of Cameroon and the Olympic Committee gave a sentence that cancels the elections that were ongoing", he lamented.

Bell thinks that Owona "logically" looks to transmit powers to the new President and his executive while he installs his collaborators at the regional level, before the latter does so at the departmental level.