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Infos Business of Sunday, 14 December 2014

Source: Correspondance

78 million FCFA (€ 120,000) already raised by Kiro'o Games

Located in the heart of the political capital of Cameroon (Yaoundé) since December 2013, Kiro'o Games, first video game studio in Central Africa has recently started the third and final phase of its campaign 'fundraising'.

The first phase officially took effect at the conferences held in the Hilton and Gicam in May 2013, during which Kiro'o Games launched a call for investment capital through the Equity Crowdfunding .

The Equity Crowdfunding is a technique that allows to open its capital to private investors. It offers the opportunity for individuals or companies to purchase equity shares and thus become shareholder of the company to be created.

The capital of Kiro'o project is divided into 1,000 shares of which 300 are put up for sale. The share is sold to 610 € (400 000 FCFA). To date, 200 shares were sold, adjourn the sum of about € 120,000.

This amount allows the studio to manage its expenses, especially its human resources that unfolds every day. Remember that all members of the Team are pure products of the continent; making the project a potential model for entrepreneurial youth of Africa and Cameroon.

The project aims to launch the video game industry in Central Africa by creating games that exploit myths and African traditions in order to transmit universal wisdom values ??(including work on oneself) youth of Africa and the world.

In existence for 10 years, the project has a fairly consistent media coverage and was counted in some rankings: The most promising African top 10 video game studios, January 14, 2014 by IT NEWS AFRICA, top 25 companies with high economic potential in 2014 given by -VENTURES AFRICA 27 January 2014.

In October 2014, the project attracted the attention of the World Trade Organization that ranked it among the most innovative African projects; in that it will contribute to the development of international trade in Africa and elsewhere. A documentary was produced for this purpose, giving an added value to the project.

"40 investors have already trusted us, a Canadian company Hart Namthemah. Margins offered as return on investment is in the order of 200% after selling the first game. Note that these forecasts are based on practical simulations, because they represent only 1.4% of market penetration. The project had been included in the short list of Venture Capital for Africa. Its business plan has been reviewed and deemed appropriate for 900 projects in the race. I invite investors to seize this opportunity we offer them because opportunities always respect those that capture," says MADIBA Olivier, CEO of Studio.

A potential market of 300 billion FCFA that represents the video game industry on the African continent, Kiro'o Games looks very promising and intends to list its golden letters in continental video game industry.

The first version of the game Aurion: Heritage of Kori-Odan, Action-RPG (Role Playing Game) is currently in development at Kiro'o Games. Previously scheduled for the end of 2014, it was released in the First Quarter of 2015. It will be played on PC (Windows 7 & 8). Video trailer released earlier in November 2014 left many salivating and getting impatient.