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Infos Business of Thursday, 27 November 2014

Source: Cameroon Tribune

Minfi urge investors to have confidence in Cameroon

The Finance Minister Alamine Ousmane Mey met Tuesday, November 25 with investors in Douala, for the launch of a new bond by the IPO.

As a reminder, the State hopes to raise 150 billion F from this operation, to which details were given to potential partners, gathered for the occasion at the premises of Gicam in Bonanjo.

In all, 15 million of bonds are issued at a rate of 10,000F, and the minimum of subscriptions is ten. Remuneration is 5.5% net per annum (2014-2019) and the subscription period runs from 24 November to 23 December.

For the third time, after 2010 and 2013, the State returns to investors in Douala, proof perhaps that the first two operations gave satisfaction to the different parties. Minfi has in any case invited investors to continue to trust in Cameroon, "country that respects its commitments, due to the quality of its signature, and wants to resolutely continue its march towards the emergence. This will be done by carrying out a number of projects in energy, agriculture, infrastructure...".

To illustrate this option, Alamine Ousmane Mey recalled that four years ago, "there was talk of gas project in Kribi. Today it is in phase of extension of the structure. In other words, the money collected is intended for specific operations. The State is doing the duty to assign it efficiently to the projects selected. Cameroon will continue "create jobs". There is talk that investments generate "shared profits", benefiting companies, the State and people.